Golden Leaves promise to deal with any complaints professionally and as quickly as possible

1. Acknowledgement of the Complaint

We aim to deal with your complaint promptly. We will generally communicate with you by telephone (or your preferred method of contact) within 3 business days of being made aware of the complaint. We will seek to understand the nature of your complaint and whether it is something that can be resolved quickly. If we manage to resolve the issue to your satisfaction within 3 business days, we will send you a Summary Resolution Communication. This will confirm that we feel we have addressed your complaint and deem it resolved, however should you remain dissatisfied you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).  Their contact details will be included within this letter along with the availability of further information on their website.

If our investigation is likely to take longer than 3 business days, we will acknowledge your complaint formally in writing within 5 business days. In this acknowledgement we will provide the name and title of the person that is handling your complaint. A copy of the “Complaint Handling Procedures Summary” will also be sent with the acknowledgement.

2. Investigating the Complaint

Your complaint will be investigated competently, fairly and promptly. Whilst we attempt to resolve complaints promptly if they are more complex and require detailed investigation, we will keep you informed of the progress of measures being taken for your complaint’s resolution.

3. Resolving the Complaint

Your complaint will be investigated competently, fairly and promptly. Whilst we attempt to resolve complaints promptly if they are more complex and require detailed investigation, we will keep you informed of the progress of measures being taken for your complaint’s resolution.

4. Final Response

We will aim to resolve your complaint within 8 weeks. Once the complaint has been fully investigated, we will send you a final response which either:

Accepts the complaint and, where appropriate, offers redress and / or remedial action or
Offers redress and / or remedial action without us accepting the complaint; or
Rejects the complaint and provides reasons for doing so. Contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service will be included with the final response letter, along with an explanation that if you are unhappy with the response received, you can now refer the complaint to the FOS.

It will also:

include a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s standard explanatory leaflet;
provide the website address of the Financial Ombudsman Service;
inform the complainant how, if they remain dissatisfied with our response, they may refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

However, if your complaint is not resolved within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, we are required to tell you:

Why we are not yet able to make a final response and when you might expect to receive our final response.
That you are entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service immediately.

The complainant has the right to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of our final response.

The contact details of the Financial Ombudsman Service are:

The Financial Ombudsman Service,

Exchange Tower,


E14 9SR

Telephone Number: 0800 023 4567





This policy is approved by the Managing Director – Barry Floyd

Date: July 2022

Call us on FREE 0800 85 44 48 (UK), 8000 98 309 (SPAIN), 800 814 567 (PORTUGAL), 8007 7376 (CYPRUS), or +44 208 684 34 64 if calling from anywhere else outside the UK

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